Local Schools Now Utilize Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Model for Sports Heat Safety

Local Schools Now Utilize Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Model for Sports Heat Safety

The Bryan football team delayed the start of its first preseason practice on Monday in an attempt to beat the heat.

WBGT is a measurement that considers temperature, humidity, and radiant heat to assess heat stress risk. Schools are increasingly adopting WBGT monitoring systems to prevent heat-related illnesses among athletes. By regularly measuring WBGT, coaches and administrators can make informed decisions about altering practice schedules, adjusting intensity, or implementing rest breaks to mitigate heat-related risks. The article highlights how various schools have integrated WBGT monitoring into their sports programs, emphasizing the importance of athletes well-being. This proactive approach aligns with recommendations from sports medicine experts and organizations like the National Athletic Trainers' Association, which emphasize the significance of WBGT in protecting athletes from heat-related dangers. To continue reading this article, click here.

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